The Project
(23 November 2014 - 28 December 2014)
Around the world 2014→2015
A sort of free fall southward along the Andes, down almost to Tierra del Fuego, then up the Argentine Patagonia along the Atlantic coast to the capital, Buenos Aires. Departure from Bolivia (Santa Cruz), then a pinch of Argentina and Chile, with some stage in Santiago, the capital, and Puerto Montt. Across the Andes, then all Argentine territory up to two national parks: Los Glaciares National Park (Argentina) and Parque Nacional Torres del Paine (Chile), both placed virtually on the same parallel of the Falkland Islands (or, perhaps better, Malvinas?). Then, it's back up North where it's all Patagonia with certain stop in Comodoro Rivadavia on the Atlantic before reaching the final destination in Buenos Aires.
Patagonia is a strange place, with huge spaces and incredible attractions, that fascinates. Fascinated, above all a writer-traveler like Bruce Chatwin, who wrote a book, but before him a brilliant naturalist-Traveler: "The Patagonian desert – writes Chatwin-is not a wasteland of sand or gravel, but an expanse of grey-leaved Brambles bass, that when I give off a smell sour mash.
Unlike the deserts of Arabia has not produced no dramatic excess of the spirit, but certainly has a place in the history of human experience. Darwin found his negative qualities.
Recapping The Beagle trip tried unsuccessfully to explain why, more than all the wonders he had seen, this "arid desert" had impressed his mind. " (Bruce Chatwin, In Patagonia, 1977).
Our adventure on the American continent ends in Buenos Aires, but does not stop there. Over the Atlantic, the journey takes over from Cape Town to other deserts: those of Africa.
Around The World 2014→2015
supports children of the Center "Hogar San Camilo in Lima where Coopi
Coopi, international cooperation has an active long-distance support project.
The Hogar San Camilo in Lima offers support to people living with HIV and AIDS. Children welcomed and their parents are mostly Andean immigrants, victims of violence by armed gangs and drug traffickers, poor people and very vulnerable.
The Hogar allows you to go to school for children and teenagers with HIV, or children of parents with HIV/AIDS, ensuring even adequate food and social and psychological support necessary to overcome difficulties related to their situation. In addition, undertakes daily against discrimination against them. Special attention is given to pregnant women to prevent mother-to-child transmission and for children under 3 years. The Hogar also provides anti-retroviral drugs to all its beneficiaries.
The Hogar allows you to go to school for children and teenagers with HIV, or children of parents with HIV/AIDS, ensuring even adequate food and social and psychological support necessary to overcome difficulties related to their situation. In addition, undertakes daily against discrimination against them. Special attention is given to pregnant women to prevent mother-to-child transmission and for children under 3 years. The Hogar also provides anti-retroviral drugs to all its beneficiaries.
Coopi also realizes long-distance support projects in 8 countries (Peru, Haiti, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia and Uganda), providing food, education, health and protection to over 2,700 children. In Peru, working with 5 centres for assistance to children and teenagers in abandoned or whose family cannot guarantee the necessary care. Some of these children living in situations of risk (child labour, street life, violence). Others have suffered abuse or have contracted the HIV virus.
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