Italy to Kazakhstan
born on the 11th of September, 1991 in Brescia. Gets the artistic diploma at the Liceo Leonardo in Brescia and enter in the Faculty of Photography at the Academy of Fine Arts LABA. Take part in the exhibition "Lorem Ipsum" at the Italian Cultural Institute in Prague and the Czech Cultural Institute in Milan. Participated in the exhibition ECO.1 in Caravaggio during the week of the contemporary.
nata a Bergamo nel 1989 dopo studi artistici ha frequentato la Libera Accademia di Belle Arti a Brescia, coltivando negli anni la passione per la fotografia in tutte le sue forme.
nata nell'87,da sempre amante dell' arte e del viaggio per l opportunità che esso offre di aprire orizzonti attraverso la comprensione di punti di vista di culture lontane. Coltiva la sua passione per l' arte attraverso la musica e il teatro,nel 2010 si diploma all' accademia di teatro spazio14 di Trento. Laureata in giurisprudenza , nel 2008 trascorre un periodo di lavoro a Londra per poi continuare gli studi nel 2009 in Portogallo .Nel 2011 e nel 2012 lavora come aspirante giornalista a Rio De Janeiro per una ricerca sugli effetti sociali e giuridici delle olimpiadi e dei mondiali.
nasce in provincia di Bergamo nel 1988 dopo essersi diplomato, frequente l'accademia d'arte Laba a Brescia. La sua passione per la fotografia nasce in gioventù molto legata ad una visone cinematografica del mondo e della realtà. La spinta principale dei suoi lavori, è la continua ricerca di una "realtà filmica" che si lega al rapporto tra spazio inteso come luogo fisico e persone. La sua ricerca per raggiungere lo scatto finale non ha preferenze ma, svariati elementi contribuiscono alla riuscita del progetto. Riconosce il digitale come il miglior mezzo fotografico per le sue esigenze di scatto. Allo stesso tempo non esclude alcun altro modo o tecnica per la sperimentazione.
born in Calcio (BG) on May 14, 1990. He attended a hotel management school in Brescia and meanwhile he developed a passion for photography. After the high school he enrolled at LABA Accademy, attending to the three-years course of Photography. He discovered his passion for reportage during some travels in Morocco and, especially, in Ukraine. He collaborated with some companies in the zone of Bergamo in the business of advertising and marketing.
Sara Baldis (Bergamo 1976), laureata all'Accademia di Belle Arti Giacomo Carrara di Bergamo, ho lavorato per circa 10 anni presso lo studio Baldis Restauri di mia sorella Silvia. Dopo aver vinto l'International Trompe l'Oeil Festival comincia la mia carriera di Decoratrice, Pittrice e Scultrice come ditta individuale. Il lavoro mi ha portato spesso in giro per il mondo scoprendo così la voglia di conoscere luoghi diversi.Ultimo tra tanti lavori, la realizzazione di trompe l'oeil e dipinti per il nuovo Teatro dell'Opera e del Balletto di Astana, capitale del Kazakhstan. Insieme a Davide Masi ho realizzato le caricature in lattice dei politici italiani per "gli Sgommati", trasmissione di satira politica su Sky. "Per la stessa ragione del viaggio, viaggiare.." è la frase di De Andrè che mi spinge a partire!!
Kazakhstan to China
I was born in 1958 and I’m married with three children. After high school, I graduate in Photography at the European Institute of Design and in 1981 I started to work as a freelancer. I work mainly in the tourism and commercial sector. More specifically I cooperate for tourism with Valtur, Cormorano Viaggi, Boscolo tour, Terme e grandi alberghi di Sirmione, and others. Regarding the furniture industry I work with Semraro group, Cima Arredobagno, TDA, Caleido, Elitable, Giuseppe Rivadossi; and for appliance with Ocean, Sangiorgio, Bialetti, Olimpia Splendid, Candy, Hoover. Since I started I’ve worked in many different sectors with Bisazza,Yamaha Motorcicle Technogym Daihatsu,Lamborghini. I work continuously with Albatrosfilms as director of photogarphy to make commercial clips and industrial movies. Since young I travel and I document my trips with the camera. Later I realized four documentaries while following a friend through his sport adventures in Alaska,Australia,Mali and Canada.
Born in Brescia on January 17, 1965. Lives in Brescia. 1986 founding member of AlbatrosFilm, production company of advertising films with which he made, as a director and executive producer, a lot of films: TV commercials, corporate films, documentaries and music videos ( 1989 stage in directing and screenwriting in Rome with Ron Richards. 1990-91 stage in directing and screenwriting in Milan with Salvatore Nocita. 2003 founding member of FilmLab, film school. 2004 founder and artistic director of FilmLabFestival of Brescia. Since 2004 Professor at the Catholic University of Brescia laboratory STARS Science and Technology Arts and Entertainment.
Born on the 22-06-1965 Luca is married, has two children and is an ex-rugby player. Work experience : I have been working for the local newspaper in Brescia "Giornale di Brescia" since 1999 writing articles for the online newspaper section 'Brescia On Line', i also do some freelance writing for local magazines. In 2004 I founded 'Biograf' a small company specialised in the writing of biographies and autobiographies for people and companies. The two most recent and popular productions are that of FIAMM spa (Vicenza) the monography of the company and the biography of Luciano Martino (Rome). Since the year 2010 I have been collaborating with Cast4/Radio24 as the producer of the program 'Destini incrociati'. Currently I am teaching law and economics at the Marco Polo High School in brescia, a position I have upheld since 2011. I studied Law at the University of Parma and attended the Arnaldo High School in Brescia.
responsabile organizzativo dell'associazione Viaggieviaggi, in collaborazione con Aldo Mazzocchi, ha all'attivo una quarantina di viaggi/spedizioni in Africa, America Meridionale, Medio Oriente ed Estremo Oriente. Viaggi avventura? Forse, nel senso che in mountain bike ha attraversato i deserti di Wadi Rum (Giordania), Acacus (Libia), Gobi (Mongolia), Atacama (Cile), Ramlat as Sabatain (Yemen), Gran Mare di Sabbia (Egitto), la falesia Dogon in Mali o salito montagne come il Kilimanjaro, il Kala Pattar, il Rakshi Peak, la Punta Lenana in Kenya, il Toubkal in Marocco, il Tahat in Algeria, o altre più o meno affascinanti. Ma l'avventura che più lo intriga è la scoperta delle figure umane, dei mercati, delle feste, dei grandi raduni. Quindi l'uno e l'altro. La natura ma anche, o soprattutto, la gente. Cercando di avere un rapporto non formale con le popolazioni incontrate, instaurando rapporti di collaborazione quando non di vera amicizia. In contatto con il Tibetan Children's Village di Dharamsala, fondato dal Dalai Lama, ha recentemente portato aiuti ai villaggi di McLeod Ganj e di Choglamsar, in Ladakh.
Born on the 26th of April 1973, Paolo is an insurance broker and a lover of photography. Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Iceland, Australia and Morocco are just some of the many destinations he has travelled to and photographed. Paolo loves to search through the lens for expressions, faces and unexpected smiles. Photography has always been his passion and he is a firm believer of the phrase 'the best photos are the one that you like the most' . Another one of his passions is Rugby, he is the founder of the CBD ( Brescia Down-Syndrome Centre) Rugby Club, a special rugby club, a rugby club where all the players suffer from down syndrome, not only does he help and support the families and the children of the centre but he also draws warmth and energy from them! He is very excited and keen about this new project, so keen that after talking to Giuliano about the project he went straight home and acked his suitcase, the only problem being that he is not expected to leave for another 8 months!
Born in Brescia - 1960, Antonio completed technical studies and gained professional experience in the security sector before moving to various entrepreneurial serial activities in 1989. He took part with different roles in some important and pioneering projects with innovative formats among which: retail parks, multiplex cinemas, outlet factory stores, amusement parks, B2B barter, digital signage. He was co-promoter of the IBAN Brescia and also partner and member of the Board of Director for KIWIcom and FONDAMENTA SGR p.a., some of the most innovative European Private Equity and Venture Capital entities as well as for companies in the engineering, plant design, security, Information Technology and services sectors. He is co-promoter of the business network HUBS, dedicated supporting the incubation of social ideas and start-ups and he is involved in various ethical social philanthropic activities.
Canada to Panama
Nata a Brescia nel 1968. Diplomata in fotografia all'Istituto Europeo di Design a Milano lavora a Brescia come fotografo dal 1995. Nel 2006 pubblica il libro dal titolo “Colòr Africa” che raccoglie gli scatti eseguiti durante il viaggio di turismo responsabile con l'Ong COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale; dal 2010 lavora per COOPI in qualità di referente per i volontari del Gruppo Locale COOPIBrescia che l'avevano sostenuta nella realizzazione dello stesso libro e della mostra fotografica realizzati in favore dei progetti umanitari. Ama gli animali, adora il mare ed il vento!
Born in Palermo, on October 15 1974, she graduated in International Political Science; she currently lives and works in Verona. In 2006 she resolved to turn her passion into a profession and devoted herself to video productions. She realized the video included in a reportage project on social issues (13 Coins), which kept her busy for 6 years in several countries such as Brazil, the Philippines, Greenland, Belarus, Mali, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Uganda and the Amazon. In 2011 she was awarded with the 1st place at the FEP (Federation of European Photographers) Awards, for the best photographic reportage book of the previous 3 years. Currently she works as freelance video director and editor, also for the production of videos for business communication. With the video created for the Bolla wine company, she won the Media Stars Award (greatest Italian prize in advertising) for best direction and editing of 2012.
Nata a Verona il 20/07/82. Laureata in giurisprudenza a Trento con indirizzo Europeo e Transnazionale. Inizia a fare la giornalista nel 2001 con una borsa di studio finanziata dalla Regione Veneto come addetta stampa per l'Azienda Ospedaliera di Verona. Da lì la collaborazione con un paio di testate locali fino al 2008 quando inizia a collaborare con l'emittente televisiva Telenuovo. I primi mesi lavora nella redazione di Padova poi viene assunta a Verona come redattrice e conduttrice. Si occupa di cronaca, politica, attualità e della conduzione del telegiornale serale. Spesso conduce serate tra Verona e provincia, spettacoli prevalentemente, e modera convegni politici. Aveva una rubrica, che definirei sentimentale/satirica, su un sito, trasferita ora su un blog personale.
Tiziana Arici, born in Brescia in 1956, starts photographing at the age of 17 with personal works in black and white. After the first experience in adv world she attempate to Architecture and Interior. In 1986 starts collaborate with the important publishing houses like, Mondadori, Istituto Geografico De Agostini,she has published her works in Italy magazines like Casaviva, Case & Country, Food & Wine, Natural style. Tiziana has a passion for the light and immerses herself in her work to explore the possibility To create personal project extending her knowledge also in videoperformances and exibitions.
Born in Brescia in 1965. After graduating from the Istituto Europeo di Design, in photograph and director of photography, she becomes a founding member of AlbatrosFilm, active in the area since 1986, with which he created each year, mainly in the role of executive producer, a thousand productions, including TV commercials, corporate films, documentaries and music videos. She won numerous awards (director of photography) participating in important festivals in the area, including Trento Mountain Film Festival, Rimini Film Festival, Torino Film Festival, Cuban Film Festival. In 2012 participates, as a producer, to the realization of the feature film "Tra 5 minuti in scena" (directed by Laura Chiassone).
Born in Italy in 1959; artistic maturity after she graduated in nursing, lives and works in Brescia.
Panama to Bolivia
Nasce a Brescia nel 1977. Inizia a fotografare giovanissimo grazie al padre fotografo. La passione per la fotografia arriva lentamente negli anni fino a farlo diventare fotografo professionista. Collabora con artisti e gallerie d'arte. Una grande passione, la fotografia di reportage: documentare tutto e sperimentare il più possibile. Ha esposto i propri lavori a: 'Matières Sensible", Milano - "Discontinuità narrative", Brescia - "Settemilamiglialontano", Brescia e ha pubblicato il libro: "B-side travel" per il progetto "Settemilamiglialontano".
Born in Palermo, on October 15 1974, she graduated in International Political Science; she currently lives and works in Verona. In 2006 she resolved to turn her passion into a profession and devoted herself to video productions. She realized the video included in a reportage project on social issues (13 Coins), which kept her busy for 6 years in several countries such as Brazil, the Philippines, Greenland, Belarus, Mali, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Uganda and the Amazon. In 2011 she was awarded with the 1st place at the FEP (Federation of European Photographers) Awards, for the best photographic reportage book of the previous 3 years. Currently she works as freelance video director and editor, also for the production of videos for business communication. With the video created for the Bolla wine company, she won the Media Stars Award (greatest Italian prize in advertising) for best direction and editing of 2012.
Nata a Verona il 20/07/82. Laureata in giurisprudenza a Trento con indirizzo Europeo e Transnazionale. Inizia a fare la giornalista nel 2001 con una borsa di studio finanziata dalla Regione Veneto come addetta stampa per l'Azienda Ospedaliera di Verona. Da lì la collaborazione con un paio di testate locali fino al 2008 quando inizia a collaborare con l'emittente televisiva Telenuovo. I primi mesi lavora nella redazione di Padova poi viene assunta a Verona come redattrice e conduttrice. Si occupa di cronaca, politica, attualità e della conduzione del telegiornale serale. Spesso conduce serate tra Verona e provincia, spettacoli prevalentemente, e modera convegni politici. Aveva una rubrica, che definirei sentimentale/satirica, su un sito, trasferita ora su un blog personale.
Originally from Puglia, living in Lombardy and a nomad at heart, Diana Facile was born in Milan on 11 September 1972. She holds a BA in European and Extra-European Languages and Literature, and currently works as interpreter and cultural mediator. She loves writing and travelling, and has published some of her novels on the magazine “El Ghibli”. One of those novels, “Il Viaggio della Speranza”, included in the anthology “Viaggi e Parole”, won the second prize at the literary competition “Fuori al Cassetto”. She currently publishes travel diaries and articles for the online magazine “Il Giornale dei Viaggi”.
Born in Padua in 1985, Matteo left his home town in 2008 and started his adventure as a full-time backpacker. A burning desire to learn about new cultures and fuel his passion for photography led him to spend the last six years of his life between Australia, Asia and Central America: surfing and meditation helped him develop a relationship between sea and mind. An old worn-out backpack and a camera as his companions, he travels through continents, countries and cities, rides the wave and lives his adventures deep in touch with the natives and their cultures. And this makes him a real traveller, someone who can come up with a new life in every place and find his own dimension: yesterday as a tour guide discovering Vietnam, today as a cook on a boat sailing the Pacific Ocean and tomorrow as a driver of the 7milamiglialontano expedition.
Nato a Brescia nel 1980. Si avvicina alla fotografia a diciott’anni, lavorando come assistente e archiviatore presso una collezione privata. Dopo varie esperienze e un periodo all’estero (Berlino e Marsiglia) ritorna in Italia. Lavora come fotografo da quindici anni ed ha esposto in mostra nazionali ed estere. Utilizza “il mezzo espressivo” in forma “pura”, approfondendone le molteplici potenzialità linguistiche e analitiche del reale per giungere, spesso, a risultati di grande impatto visuale, in bilico tra astrazione e figura. Attualmente vive a Brescia e lavora presso lo studio INLIMBO.
Bolivia to Argentina
Bergamasco, classe 1956, vive e lavora a Verona dal 1981. Bibliotecario, animatore culturale e giornalista (per hobby) durante gli studi universitari, dopo il servizio civile ha imboccato definitivamente la strada del giornalismo occupandosi per un decennio di America Latina e di cooperazione internazionale, lavorando con organizzazioni non governative e visitando diversi Paesi della regione. Dopo una collaborazione a Bruxelles con Alexander Langer al Parlamento Europeo, e un'esperienza di free-lance, dal 1992 lavora al quotidiano L'Arena, di cui ora è caporedattore, ma non ha mai «lasciato» l'America Latina, anche perché sposato con una porteña argentina. Gli piacciono la storia e le storie. Fa il cicloturista da oltre 40 anni e sogna di fare, prima o poi, un giro del mondo in bici passando magari da Santiago de Compostela (perché bisogna) e poi da Rio (per salutare Chico Buarque e un amico brasiliano, anch'egli apostolo delle due ruote). Intanto proverà a farne un pezzetto in jeep. Cerca in ogni circostanza di ricordarsi di Antonio Machado Caminante, no hay camino: se hace camino al andar, senza dimenticare il proverbio argentino: quién te quita lo bailado?, e chi può portarti via quello che hai ballato?
A photo_grapher for a living whose strong language is photography. That is where he best conveys both his aesthetic and emotional skills. “I take photographs – that’s job and curiosity for everything beautiful and ugly”, he says to sum up his concept of image. His search for the beautiful without avoiding the ugly often takes me to wander in the Orient on personal person-focused searches. His photographs can be found in public and private collections, among which those of MAM Rio De Janeiro, the Museum of San Marino, and the Fotokunst Museum in Denmark.
Born in Brescia on 11st April 1967.
Born in Brescia on November 25th 1984 and graduated in graphic design in Academy of fine art Santagiulia. Between 2009 and 2010 he used to work a comunication agency and then he left italy to travel around China, Tibet and Australia. Once back home he moved to Milan to work with several photographer and start to collaborate with Sette Secondi Circa video production. In 2012 moved to NY for working to Russ&Reyn photographers and Steve McCurry studio’s. Among other things he worked in a few movie sets and many video project like director or camera work. In 2013 followed Intermed Onlus between Turkey and Syria realizing a documentary.
Federico Bajetti was born on 13.08.1990 in Brescia. Always passionate about travel and nature, approaches to analogical photography, initially around 11 years thanks to the passion inherited from his father and two uncles. The real turning point in 2008, during a period of study in the United States, where he bought his first reflex revolutionizing the way of seeing the world through the lens. Graduated in Photography at The Academy of fine arts, he ranges from the field of design, events, photography, sports and fashion. Today he collaborates with an estimated London fashion photographer and his priorities continue to be photography and travels, with more than 30 countries visited in the last 3 years. In 2012 appeared in the reality show “The Apprentice” as official photographer at the Giochi Preziosi in Milan. He writes and shots reportage for the ThePostInternazionale. No matter where, no matter how, it’s enough something to see, to explore, photograph and tell.
Aliaj Erminando, was born in Vlora, Albania, on July 14th, 1984. From November '93 lives in Brescia. He graduated at the Academy of fine Arts Santa Giulia. Since 2010 teaches history of fashion photography and fashion photography at the Accademia del Lusso in Milan. Fashion photographer, but especially portraitist. From 2011 he collaborates with the record company Carosello Records by photographing artists like Stefano Bollani, Irene Grandi, Emis Killa etc. and as director of photography for some music videos.
South Africa to Ethiopia
A photo_grapher for a living whose strong language is photography. That is where he best conveys both his aesthetic and emotional skills. “I take photographs – that’s job and curiosity for everything beautiful and ugly”, he says to sum up his concept of image. His search for the beautiful without avoiding the ugly often takes me to wander in the Orient on personal person-focused searches. His photographs can be found in public and private collections, among which those of MAM Rio De Janeiro, the Museum of San Marino, and the Fotokunst Museum in Denmark.
Born on the 13th march of 1980 after some years begins holding pencils and markers. He carries forward his desire of drawing during the endless math classes in the meantime he approaches to words writing short poems and little stories. When he is around twenty he meets audiovisuals, discovers the potential of those means and begins experiencing in various ways. He develops a path trough documentary film, corporate film, shortfilm, video-installation and shows. After granting a diploma in Filmmaking at IED Milan in 2003 he starts off a collaboration with Albatros Film production. In 2007 working, with Paolo Mucciarelli, he directs the documentary film “Il mistero dei sassi, Luigi Lineri e l'Adige” which is archived in Art Brut Collection of Lausanne. In 2009 he directs “The gun”, a short film made with Mozukin, winner of thirteen film festival awards. In 2010 he realizes “Water-roots”, a video-installation actually exhibited at Museo di Santa Giulia in Brescia. In 2012, with Piera Cristiani, he is creator of “Fèr, storie di ferro lavoro e arte”, an event for celebrating the world of steel industry and performs six site specific installations.
from Milan, born 1966, has always adapted his life to travel. Back in the Eighties, he begun to fuel his passion for geographical adventures of all kinds, travelling in different parts of the world depending on the periods of his life: Europe, first, then Central and Southern Asia. Africa. And Latin America, of course, where he often come back, with long stays in Brazil, and in Mexico, over the last few years being his his home. Translator for the sake of languages he learned not to wander in vain, he has since started writing as a journalist and travel writer, to return at least a little of what he had from his wanderings. The result is a book about his expedition of seven months in Piaggio Ape along the Silk Road (1998), published in 2007, which will be shortly followed (may 2014) by another, about a travel again, on the hearth of Brazil. Since several years, he’s a tour leader for tourist groups around the world. Because travel prolongs life, he says, and the "time of the traveler" worth seven times more than normal time… as for dogs.
Born in 1973 in Zevio, on the outskirts of Verona. In 1988 he got a degree in scenography at the Academy of Arts in Verona. From 1996 to 2009, thanks to the collaboration with Studio Brenzoni, his photographs were daily published in the pages regarding shows and cultural events of L’Arena di Verona, the local newspaper. In October 2001, after the September 11 events, he travelled to Afghanistan to master photographic techniques for international reportages, and put himself to the test. Several trips would follow: Albania, Thailand, India, Greenland, Fortaleza, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Malawi, Mali, Burkina Faso, Belarus and the Amazon. In 2002 he became a publicist and was registered in the Journalists’ Board of Veneto (the local county). Still in 2002 he opened his photographic studio: Atelier, crafted photography, in Verona. In 2012 he collaborated as director of photography for Bolla’s institutional video, honoured in 2013 with two awards by Media Stars, the prestigious national contest in advertising. His latest project, completed after 6 years of work, is 13 Coins, which was awarded as best book at the 2010 European Photo Book of the Year Award. The exhibit of this project was displayed at the International Conference Center of Geneva, at the International Photographic Center of Verona, at the photo galleries in FNAC, and at the 2011 Pesaro Photo Festival. Since October 2013, for the duration of 3 years, a new photograpic and didactical project has started in the Townships of South Africa, and in Cape Town.
Born in Zurich in 1984, a degree in Journalism from Università degli Studi di Verona in 2008. His professional limbo kept ranging from press offices to newspapers, magazines and finally the web. He loves travelling, hates flying, and during his journeys he lived in Verona, Zurich, London, Cape Town, Mumbai and Casablanca. He is since 2012 the editor of and, which also showcased his first book, “Dal Capo al Cairo”, followed in 2014 by “Liguria Low Cost”, published by BUR.
Born in Brescia on 11st April 1967.
Ethiopia to Italy
Born in 1973 in Zevio, on the outskirts of Verona. In 1988 he got a degree in scenography at the Academy of Arts in Verona. From 1996 to 2009, thanks to the collaboration with Studio Brenzoni, his photographs were daily published in the pages regarding shows and cultural events of L’Arena di Verona, the local newspaper. In October 2001, after the September 11 events, he travelled to Afghanistan to master photographic techniques for international reportages, and put himself to the test. Several trips would follow: Albania, Thailand, India, Greenland, Fortaleza, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Malawi, Mali, Burkina Faso, Belarus and the Amazon. In 2002 he became a publicist and was registered in the Journalists’ Board of Veneto (the local county). Still in 2002 he opened his photographic studio: Atelier, crafted photography, in Verona. In 2012 he collaborated as director of photography for Bolla’s institutional video, honoured in 2013 with two awards by Media Stars, the prestigious national contest in advertising. His latest project, completed after 6 years of work, is 13 Coins, which was awarded as best book at the 2010 European Photo Book of the Year Award. The exhibit of this project was displayed at the International Conference Center of Geneva, at the International Photographic Center of Verona, at the photo galleries in FNAC, and at the 2011 Pesaro Photo Festival. Since October 2013, for the duration of 3 years, a new photograpic and didactical project has started in the Townships of South Africa, and in Cape Town.
Matteo lives in Brescia (ITALY) MA in Visual Anthropology | University of Manchester (UK) Bachelor at the Faculty of Design and Art | University of Bozen. Works as a freelance in Visual Communication. Interested in Sensory Media, through the deployment of the ethnographic method.
Fotografo documentarista i suoi reportage lo portano in tutto il mondo per testate e agenzie internazionali. Mattia nasce nel 1988 in Verona dove attualmente vive. Durante il corso di laurea in Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, laurea ottenuta nel 2011, prende in mano la fotografia e getta se stesso nel reportage sin da subito. E’ un fotografo documentarista e, dopo aver vissuto esperienze in quasi tutta Europa, ha iniziato a viaggiare in paesi come Mongolia, Kenya, Tanzania, Ecuador, Israele, Palestina, Gaza, Giordania, Turchia, Serbia. Oggi la fotografie di reportage lo porta in tutto il mondo per coprire servizi di ogni genere per testate e agenzie internazionali. Lavora in collaborazione con il photo-editor Laurent Gelmetti, con LUZPHOTO Agency, con lo studio fotografico di reportage di matrimonio ed eventi Edoardo Agresti photographer(s) (EASTUDIO) e lavora stabilmente come head-photographer e videomaker per AQUEST, agenzia italiana di comunicazione.
Akis was born in Thessaloniki, Greece, but the world is his home. He travelled a lot since he was very young and always loved cars, motorcycles and adventure sports. He also loves writing and photography and this is his job since 1986. He has driven and raced the best cars and bikes in the world as a journalist and deputy editor in top Greek magazines like 4Wheels and 2Wheels. He has visited the most exotic places thanks to assignments to Camel Trophy events from 1990-1995 and as a press participant in three Dakar rallies (2005, 2006, 2010). Akis reported on radio flying on a helicopter and has worked for TV programs in Greece. He was also lucky to meet inspiring people, from F1 drivers to Car designers to Olympic medalists. He lived for a year in a jungle after he managed to fulfil his ultimate dream, to travel around the world! Akis did it with his wife Vula in a Land Rover, covering 170.000 km. in 67 countries in 1177 days! Their adventure was documented in 180.000 images, 200 hours of HD video, on hundreds of diary posts on and was published extensively (more than 600 pages) in Greece, India, Peru and Australia. Akis works now as a journalist and photographer for,, and collaborates with Maserati on different projects. Based in Reggio Emilia, Italy, our Greek companion has more travel dreams to go after. The first is 7MML.
I was Born in Zevio (Verona, ITALY) on December 13. 1960 and I live in Verona. I'm a photographer, more for passion than for work. I'm doing this job since last century, precisely since October 1985, with various Societies until May 2005. Now I have my own business. I'm registered on Journalists' Bulletin Board since June 2003. In these past years I worked with various private companies, communication and photographic agencies. I ranged from fashion to still life, from company reports to exibitions, from sports photos (basket - volley - soccer - rugby) to performance photos (theather - operas in Arena di Verona - concerts). I always have the intention of providing an image that works for the ultimate using context. At the same time, however, I long to create and I'm committed to find new stimuli outside normal business: I'm trying to document and testify that in poor areas of the world, as in ASIA (Thailand, Philippines, India, China) and AFRICA (Saharawi, Mali, Burkina Faso, Kenia, Tanzania), there's a dignity that in our "world" is disappearing.